Investigation Confirms That George Soros Funded DAs Who Would Release Illegal Aliens

by Eric Lendrum


At least three high-profile district attorneys in the United States who have been funded by far-left billionaire George Soros have since gone on to implement pro-amnesty policies that have released numerous criminal illegal aliens, as reported by Breitbart.

The district attorneys include Philadelphia’s Larry Krasner, Chicago’s Kimberly Foxx, and Diana Becton in Contra Costa County, California, as confirmed by the investigation from the Immigration Reform Law Institute (IRLI). These officials, like others around the country, have gone out of their way to see illegal aliens released from local custody before they can be arrested and deported by ICE.

Krasner received $1.7 million in donations from the Soros-backed group Philadelphia Justice and Public Safety PAC, which helped get him elected in 2017. Upon taking office, Krasner created an Immigration Counsel position in his office, hiring immigration attorney Caleb Arnold for the position; Arnold subsequently oversaw the reduction of “immigration consequences” for illegal aliens arrested for various crimes in the district. Of the roughly 300 cases involving illegal aliens, Arnold negotiated about 120 of them down to plea agreements. Between January 2018 and November 2020, Arnold was paid approximately $234,000 for his work.

In Chicago, Kimberly Foxx similarly received campaign funds from Soros’ Illinois Safety and Justice PAC. Upon her election in 2016, Foxx hired her own immigration adviser, Michael Kasprzynski, whose role was to “ensure that noncitizen defendants do not face unnecessary immigration consequences.”

In Contra Costa County, Becton received about $1.5 million in campaign donations from Soros’ California Justice and Public Safety PAC. As district attorney, Becton issued a memo declaring that “prosecutors in the Contra Costa County District Attorney’s Office shall consider the avoidance of adverse immigration consequences in the plea negotiation process,” with the explicit aim of helping illegal alien defendants avoid deportation.

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Eric Lendrum reports for American Greatness.
Photo “George Soros” by Niccolò Caranti. CC BY-SA 3.0.









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3 Thoughts to “Investigation Confirms That George Soros Funded DAs Who Would Release Illegal Aliens”

  1. Gordon Shumway

    Soros is the face of evil incarnate.

    evil man.

    1. 83ragtop50

      The face of the one that the progressives embrace to execute his plan to destroy America.

      1. Laurence Cicale

        So what’s going to be done to put this evil man away?
